The all knowing "WWE insiders" are saying that John Cena was supposed to face Sheamus at the Royal Rumble, but the nod was given to Randy Orton over the weekend. Granted, this is all a clever ploy to not bury Cena, and Sheamus will probably beat Randy to retain, but The Bleacher Report has stirred in me some interesting arguments. Is it time for a Randy Orton face turn? I mean, lets face it. The boy gets MAD heat, and it's because we LOVE him, but do we just love to hate him? Or do we love to LOVE him? Hmm... I think it's the latter for me, but for my male counterparts... perhaps it is the former? Hmmmm...
Now, Randy is the best heel since... well Triple H was a heel. So that makes him the best heel in the business. (Chris Jericho would be if he wasn't so misused.) Predictably, WWE would like us to see the best heel walking against the Face they'd like us to believe is the best face, John Cena. But something STRANGE happened. Someone, probably Steph, she's a woman after all, changed their mind. So now, we're going to see Randy (I'm perfect. My Body is Perfect. My Hair is in a crew cut because I am awesome. PS. God made me in his image, wrestling ability and all.) Orton against Shea (I'm Tall. My Body is pasty like Edward Cullen. My Hair makes me look like a troll. I'm Irish and God Made me from Spare Parts. PS. My wrestling ability is - meh.) mus. Cool, Orton versus Sheamus. Sure, I can get behind tha.... HOLD THE PHONE. Heel. versus. heel. Well, this is certainly... thought provoking.
Here's what we're seeing. There are plenty of faces on Raw. Most mid-card, Kofi's and MVP's of the world, but there's a reason DX and Cena are getting booed. They're terrible, and predicatable. I mean, DX... THE SAME DX who... will you know the history. They're running around with a leprechaun now. It's SAD. Bleacher Report made an interesting point when they mentioned that Rock was the baddest heal EVER before he turned face and really buzzed with the crowd. I'm not saying I want Randy to have ridiculous catchphrases and play guitar. I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to let it fly and see what happens. If anything, just to surprise me a bit. He's head and shoulders above everyone else. If you need proof, notice he was the only one in the match on Monday night that didn't need a retarded hand slapping, face waving, dance and wiggle taunt before he hit his finisher.
Sorry, the video is of the whole match. Finisher is at the end, duh. This is hands down one of the best RKOs in history. Of course, rampant speculation that Randy was legit mad because Kofi was supposed to take a punt instead of an RKO, but Kofi refused to stay down. Notice that Randy pushed him back down to the mat around the 8:25 mark. Notice then, that as Kofi tries to get up Randy starts pounding the canvas and then bolts up right, rolls his neck all "aw, hell no!" and then RKO! Randy then keeps telling Kofi he's stupid. Might be an undetected F word in there. Right... I want to turn this guy face. Forget I typed all this. :D
*Edit to include only the finish :D
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