Vince is pissed. Big surprise. You know stuff if really going down the tubes when:
1) You have a "no storylines getting out to the internet" initiative.
2) Your script for Monday Night Raw gets leaked, and it features a HUGE plot that was delayed at the last minute.
3) One of the guys in a Wrestlemania Main Event Match accidentally gives up the match he's going to be in on VH1's music video countdown, even though the match hadn't been announced yet.
Let's get this straight Vince. When you call 25 women to ask them if they want to be in a battle royale, chances are you're not going to get those chicks to stop talking about it. Bitches talk. It's a fact of life. One you should have learned from your countless mistresses. And as far as Big Show is concerned, he already walks around with the obvious mental capacity of an autistic child. In making him show up on every show, some of which he records two weeks in advance, it's impossible to expect him to know what's going on. Seriously? Aren't you used to this by now?
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