Friday, April 9, 2010

Goldberg is "open" to wrestling at Mania next year

In an interview with, former WCW monster and Bret Hart career-killer Bill Goldberg said he'd be "open" to wrestling one final match at Wrestlemania next year, when the Grandaddy emanates from WCW-hotbed Atlanta, GA.

"It's not something that I'm seeking out to do at 43 years old. But you know, WrestleMania is next year in Atlanta. Hulk Hogan and I put 43,000 people in the Georgia Dome with three days notice. I've got a fairly big following in Atlanta. Is it out of the realm of possibility? I'd say no."

Listen, Goldberg is "open" to wrestling one last match at Wrestlemania the same way I'm "open" to jumping on stage and playing guitar for Alter Bridge. Cut the foreplay, Bill. You want to ask... call up Vince and ask.

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