Yep, the similarities are uncanny.
According to an ESPN opinion article written by ESPN writer Jemele Hill, Tiger Woods has what it takes to become the ultimate heel of the golf course.
"Tiger Woods should curse enough to make Redd Foxx blush. He should put a Perkins restaurant sticker on his bag. He should throw his clubs like a javelin whenever he misses an easy putt. He should text message in-between shots. If a reporter asks about his emotional state, Tiger should channel Bobby Knight and make a bunch of ridiculously juvenile faces."
What does this have to do with wrestling you ask? Hill further explains.
"Tiger should become a bad guy. He should be golf's version of the WWE's Triple H."
Hill goes on to explain that casting Tiger Woods as a heel type character in golf would further add edge to his budding rivalry with Phil Mickelson. You can read the full ESPN article here.
I promised myself I would be done making jokes about Tiger Wood's adultery issues, but man if they casted Woods as a Triple H like heel, I'd watch golf just to see him inevitably perform a Pedigree on his Caddy.
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