Monday, May 10, 2010

So the PG rating is just overcompensation, eh?

This story is an interesting one. According to a man with very good taste by the pen name Michael Bluth on Rajah, a top WWE official has been suspended after allegations of sexual harassment during the Wrestlemania weekend in Phoenix. Executive Vice President (how many of THOSE are there?) Jared Bartie had allegedly been drinking during the Mania festivities, and "inappropriately" hit on a female employee in WWE's sales department.

Here's where the story gets awesome: the same woman who was allegedly the victim in the Mania weekend case was, herself, fired a few weeks later after having been seen performing a "sex act*" on another WWE employee while on company property during business hours.

Pictured: Also inappropriate conduct on company property.

I'm torn between feeling bad for this girl, and thinking she's probably just some little harlot who got propositioned by one of the higher-ups and got dollar signs in her eyes. I guess we'll never know... that is, unless Michael Bluth can send Mrs. Featherbottom in on an undercover operation.

*"Sex act?" WTF is that? This is the internet, can't we get some details? Was it a handski? Mouth sex? Footski? Cleveland Steamer? Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Credenza? Inquiring minds want to know!

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