In a
recent interview with the UK's tabloid extraordinaire
The Sun, AJ Styles went on record claiming that he never wants to work for WWE based on their "backstabbing" nature.
"I'm going to tell you what I know as the main difference between the two companies," says the man who is famous simply for being AJ Styles. "Desmond and I are going to work together to make this company the best, for everybody. Whereas in the other company they will stab each other in the back to get themselves to the next level. It's not about me. It's about us in TNA."
It's a great sentiment, and I hope it's true. It definitely sounds like the kind of pro-TNA/anti-WWE rhetoric that everyone from the company is spitting these days, but it also seems like it can be very true. Maybe it's just the smaller atmosphere, but TNA does have more of that homey feel, like they really are just one tight-knit family while WWE is a bunch of people looking out for themselves. TNA is Breen's Hardware Store, and WWE is Wal-Mart.
But here's the smart thing: in TNA, AJ Styles can be THE guy. In WWE, he'd be Evan Bourne. Let's ask Christian how that jump from main event player to "champion of the developmental show" went for him.
AJ and Desmond Wolfie (thank you Pope) go on to talk about the transition from the 6-sided ring back to the traditional setup, as well as Hogan, Flair, and Bischoff joining TNA, and what fans can expect from the forthcoming UK tour.
In related "may or may not be true because anybody with a lick of pro wrestling knowledge could look at the situation and make the same assumption" news, f4wonline.com reports that AJ might be in line for a makeover, dying his hair blonde for this partnership with Ric Flair and the ongoing "new Naitch" angle.
Brian's Tangent: Look, I've seen a lot of uproar amongst the online crowd already about AJ teaming with Flair, and how AJ "isn't like Flair" and should be left alone and left to just be "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles. Here's where I take issue with that -- AJ's nothing like Flair? THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT. Flair is taking somebody with potential, somebody who has the physical skills but not the attitude or the look or anything else, and molding him, giving him the tools he needs to break on through to the next level. Let's face it, AJ Styles has been AJ Styles for 7 and a half years, he's been the face of TNA Wrestling for the majority of that time (some could argue that Jeff Jarrett is the face of the franchise, or that Kurt Angle has become the biggest name, but AJ's been the go-to-guy since the inception). Big fish in a smaaaall pond. AJ Styles, as he's been, feels like a guy who's poised to bust out huge and never does. Ask any joe schmoe casual wrestling fan off the street, and they won't know who AJ Styles is. He NEEDS something to push him over the top, something to bring the collective public's attention to who he is. If he's ever going to get the mainstream respect that he so rightfully deserves, who better to manage him than one of THE most recognizable names in wrestling history? Even people who don't follow wrestling know "WOOO" and the "limousine ridin, jet flyin" routine. AJ Styles isn't good on the mic? Feels out of place acting like Flair? Yes, he does. And he's SUPPOSED TO FEEL THAT WAY RIGHT NOW. Give this partnership time, and if it's done right, he'll slowly grow into the "next Nature Boy skin" and become more comfortable with it. AJ's time with Christian has already shown us that he has the chops to play a convincing heel (his cocky smirk is tailor made for it), so sit back, relax, and enjoy the transformation.