Regarding the story involving Randy Orton allegedly assaulting a fan, here's Randy's own words, from his website via the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
“Here’s what happened: I walked out of Kowloon’s Friday night around 12:30-1 a.m. with Santino and a police officer escort. As I was being rudely hounded for pictures and autos (I had a 6:40 a.m. flight through Minni to Lincoln, then a drive to Omaha, a match, a drive back to Omaha, then a charter to Minni, and a driver to Rochester for the next show the next day, btw), I was confronted by an older women who said: ‘Hey Randy, you spit on my handicapped son a few years ago at a show, what do you have to say about that?’ My replay...`So Sue me.’ Then I proceeded to my car, with Santino and the cop and drove back to our hotel by the Boston airport. I know I have been a bit of a hothead in the past, but I DID NOT spit gum and call names to any child. The women is claiming I called her son a `retard’ 3 times, and spit gum in his face. Come on people, even at my worst temperament, I would never call a handicapped child something awful like that. I’ll actually sign anything for any child with any disability. I heard just today from WWE attorneys that this women filed assault charges against me 4 days later? Hmmm, oh, and what about the dozens of cops at the restaurant that were there for crowd control since there were over 100 wrestling fans there? Not to mention the cop that escorted me to my freaking car. I’ll be happy when this is over. I guess if I’ve learned anything from this, it is not to ever challenge anyone to sue me.”
And an eyewitness sides with Randy, as quoted from pwinsider:
A witness, Stephen Addonizio has come forward with a different story. Addonizio noted that he was sitting in a car with his sister in the parking lot of Kowloon's, a Chinese restaurant well known to be visited by WWE performers when in the New England area, at the time of the alleged incident. Addonizio said Orton ignored requests for autographs and when the youth who brought the charges against Orton yelled something derogatory at him, Orton turned to respond when other wrestlers pulled him back and towards their car. “He just kept walking past them and got into his car,” Addonizio said, noting Orton never came into contact with anyone.
So, let's try and make some heads or tails of this. The lady is attempting to sue Orton and bring charges against him over something that allegedly happened several years ago, just because he snubbed her and her son for an autograph now?
Either way, I think we're all missing the bigger picture here. Randy Orton hangs out with Santino in real life. With news of WWE Studios taking over their own production and wanting to throw down on something like 15 movies back to back, I hereby demand an Orton/Santino buddy cop flick. Especially if they're in character. And especially if they fight all the time.
Randy: *RKO*
Santino: ........
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