Friday, November 7, 2008

SD vs. Raw '09 is already out of date.

It was only released today, and SDvsRaw09 is already out of date. In addition to Mike Adamle being done with the company, word today comes that Paul London and Chuck Palumbo were Future Endeavor'd as well.

This comes on the heels of news of Third Quarter earnings being down from last year: Operating Income at $7.9 Million, down 5 and a half mill from last year's 3Q. Net income down 3.2 mill as well, from 8.5 to 5.3. CEO Linda McMahon reported that the company would be looking at some cost cutting initiatives for 2009... does this include Future Endeavoring talent who's got nothing going on these days?

Deuce, Yang, Elijah, Armando... get ready to head to TNA!


The Adamle experiment is over. After kayfabe "resigning" on Raw Monday night, reports are that Mike Adamle is, indeed, finished with WWE. After flubbing lines from day one, being so bad at commentating that Taz was making fun of him on-air, and then being the most boring GM ever, both parties have finally agreed that pro wrestling just might not be where he shines.

It honestly shocks me that he's been this bad. I know American Gladiators was 15 years ago, but he was great on that show. I was excited when he got picked up, but... such is life.

So does this mean that his horrific commentating on ECW really WASN'T a work? Egad.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Round and Round and Round It Goes

So Goldust has signed a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. It's kind of like a revolving door with this one. He just walks round and round and sometimes he falls out in TNA or ROH, but...

Let's all look forward to more Kung Fu Naki Dance Offs!

He's Super, He's Crazy, He's.... FIRED

Super Crazy was future endeavored today. The rumor is that he asked for release because though he was happy with his WWE salary, he was very unhappy with his status in the company.

Good news, he's poor and on the unemployment line, so he doesn't have to worry about sitting on his ass and getting paid for doing nothing while I work 60 hours a week to make ends meet.

Not that I'm bitter.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

JR is a God, pt. 2

So with tomorrow being Halloween and all, many of the superstars and on-air talent dressed up in costumes for Tuesday's Smackdown taping. Jim Ross was... a sailor.

Let's hope, for all of our sakes, that this isn't his Donald Duck costume.

Natalya + handcuffs = random hotness!

Natalya Neidhart posted up a new blog on WWE Universe, talking about the Diva costume contest/match at Cyber Sunday, and one statement in particular caught my eye...

"Congratulations, Mickie...but in my humble opionion, you deserved to be arrested for your ensemble... and I had just the Swarovski handcuffs to do it!"

Mickie James + Natalya + handcuffs = almost too much for this dirty old man's heart to take! Natalya could grow her daddy's goatee and still be the hottest thing going today.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jim Ross is a God...

There's been a ton of speculation that since Wrestlemania is in San Antonio this year the Showstopper Shawn Michaels could very well be retiring. Shawn Michaels is 43 years old, but in today's day and age you have to ask yourself it that's really all that old for a pro-wrestler. At this level of expectation Triple H will be done in three or four years. And the prospect of a DX free WWE by 2012 does not ammuse me, because face it... 2012 is not that far away.

Granted Shawn has been plagued by far more injuries than "The Game" but the thought of his retirement (though eventually immenent) is enough to make me hang up my own (metophorical) pair of wrasslin' boots. I shudder to think of a John Cena, John Morrison, Batista dominated WWE.

Anyhow, Jim Ross posted on his blog, and I think we can lay the rumors to rest for now. Jim Ross is a God by the way. Here's what he said about...

The possibility of Shawn Michaels retiring soon:
"HBK earns big money, works a schedule that he is ok with and is still the best big match wrestler in the biz. Shawn is at a place as to where if he is unhappy he won't be around. The WWE needs HBK much more than Shawn needs them."

And thank God someone admitted that! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Forget the Bushwhacker, they want... scrap iron?

So, scratch the Bushwhacker thing from last night. ROH has named their new head booker, and it's.... Adam Pearce. The same Adam Pearce who JUST dropped the NWA World Title a few days ago to some dude in a mask named Blue Demon. The same Adam Pearce that's only 30 years old, and an active wrestler in his own right.

Active wrestlers booking the shows? Let's ask Ted Turner how that one worked out for his wrasslin company.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

This Guy... Yes... this one... wants more 'realism'.

Okay, so the same man who invented the Kiss My Ass Club, talked about his raging infidelities in front of his wife on national television, decided he fathered a midget...

The SAME man who decided that HBK should have to TAG TEAM WITH GOD... would like more "realism" in the WWE.

SEScoops reports:
– In recent weeks, Vince McMahon has been talking about having the wrestlers work a more realistic style of wrestling. That’s one of the reasons former WCW wrestler Norman Smiley was hired (as a coach in developmental). Smiley was told he was brought in due to his background in the more realistic Japanese wrestling style. For example, instead of the old-school, pro-wrestling style where a guy gets punched in the face, the guy selling would at least put his hands up in defense of the punch.


The guy selling would at least put his hands up in defense of the punch, but when that same guy has to get down on his knees while I pull my pants down... well his ass better pucker up, because this is totally a fair and legal way to treat your employees! Realism abounds!

Two words for ya: [expletive deleted]!!!!!!

So WWE 24/7 is getting into the original DX era, but something interesting happened on the broadcast this week. During a segment with HBK, Triple H, and Sargent Slaughter, one of the most iconic catch phrases in modern wrestling history was born. Only... it wasn't. Shawn uttered "suck it" and pointed to his crotch, only on the 24/7 broadcast, "suck it" was censored out.

Capital W. Capital T. Capital F.

Good call, Vince. Playing it safe and going for that PG rating is exactly what put butts in seats and made you assloads of money in the 90's.

Ahh, who am I kidding? This was just an excuse to post a hot DX picture for Ashlee and Shev. :)

And They Said it Wouldn't Last...

That guy who only married that girl to get a leg up on the competition and "accidentally" fathered her two children has somehow managed to stay married to her for five years.

Seriously though, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon celebrated their five year wedding anniversary yesterday. It only took about four years for them to grow on me, but ever since they kissed at the Raw 15 Anniversary show I've kind of liked them, and... that my friends is what they call, a tangent.

Kayfabe Blogging is Stupid

Katie Lea was doing some kayfabe blogging on WWE Universe, and she had this to say about Shawn Michaels while discussing the Chris Jericho vs. Batista featuring a special guest referee match. Lea wrote:

"The second choice, the 'Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels, isn't much better... Seriously, do they still call him 'Kid'...? Nevertheless, I will admit that it 'Breaks my Heart' (see how that works..?) that he still needs to be lurking around; and more than anything I'm tired of the moping and the constant boo-boo face... So let me address this little problem here directly: Shawn, please, please, please, for the love of God (no offense intended...) find your bloody smile already!! We know you're miserable. You've been miserable for a while now. It's time to get over it and move on."

I know it's kayfabe and everything, but I don't even know who the F' Katie Lea is so as far as I'm concerned she needs to STFU.

This man will lead ROH to the promised land.

In one of the legitimately biggest shockers of the year, Gabe Sapolsky was future endeavor'd from ROH this weekend. Details are still fuzzy, but early indications are that Luke Williams, better known as one half of the single greatest tag team in the history of ever, The Bushwhackers, is in the lead to be named Gabe's successor.

I've never been the deepest follower of ROH, but would you really entrust your company to a guy who made a name for himself by licking his outback buddy's head? Wait, that sounds like.... uh..... oh no..... The Bushwhackers were gay?!

And my childhood continues to crumble around me. :(

He told you so.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I miss ECW.

The real ECW. Not this current Smackdown Lite. I never even really got to watch it, and I miss it. I guess what I miss more is the days when we had some real characters to get into. Watch Bubba in this clip and tell me he's not infinitely more entertaining than today's "BLAAAHHH I HATE THE X-DIVISION" crap.

This man is available to work again.

Shawn Daivari's 90-day no-compete clause is up as of today, meaning he's available once again to work for various other organizations.

In other news... Shawn Daivari was wished well in his future endeavors 90 days ago. He was so forgettable that I didn't even realize he was gone! Seriously, they might as well have let him go as soon as they released Copani (which was a crock, but... that's another blog for another day).

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Seriously, Who Is This Guy Blowing?

So, PWI has named John Cena the "Wrestler of the Year" for the third straight year. This is so absurd, we don't even need a punchline. Next they'll be naming Britney Spears the "Young Girls' Role Model of the Decade," or George Bush the "World Leader of Forever."

Okay... so I understand the Superman push. He's (kayfabe) made Khali and Youmanga look like Lenny Lane and the Brooklyn (or is it Boston?) Brawler. He never loses the title clean. He never loses clean period. But seriously... wrestler of the year? They couldn't give a nod to Randy Orton, who's stepped up his game a million percent this year?

Even when he's injured and off my TV, Jawn Cener finds ways to annoy the bejesus out of me.


According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Paul Wight (aka The Big Show) is all set to return to the WWE. I guess that would fit with the previous story in recent days announcing the signing of a "former multi-time world champion." Unless they count Ron Killings' 2-time NWA Title reign, who also just apparently signed with the company.

So what happened to "[Big Show] is my slave name"? There's an incredibly racist joke about slaves and wages and "yes, massa," but I'm trying my hardest not to make it. This blogging gig might seem like a glamorous job, but seriously people, don't envy me.


Chris Harris is no longer a member of the TNA Wrestling roster. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

My God, not only do the recycle storylines, they also recycle completely insincere departure messages.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

For the Dogs!

With the WGA strike USA is pulling in TONS of ratings for WWE on Monday Nights. Sure it's by default because there isn't really anything else to watch, but finally after years of struggle. The USA Network has agreed to move the Westminster Dog Show to another channel. WWE will go on as usual!

Score one for WWE!!

Why HBK Went Crazy

Shawn Michaels was unhappy that Umaga wore tights with Triple H's colors because he was afraid the fans would get them confused.

I fully understand his concern.

Really basement nerds, try harder next time.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

These Two Men Are Killing Professional Wrestling.

Listen to this horseshit.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

According to well placed source in WWE [Red Flag #1] there was a backstage incident that occurred while WWE was over in Iraq. The incident involved Umaga, Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels. Apparently the seamstress told Umaga that he could not use the colors that he wanted for his tights because they were the colors that Triple H uses. [Are you fucking kidding me?] However, Umaga insisted that the seamstress fulfill his request.

The seamstress complied and when Umaga went through the curtain in the tights, Shawn Michaels completely flipped out. [Because Shawn Michaels has never seen a man wearing black and silver, or black and purple, ever in his life except for Triple H.] WWE Champion Randy Orton was said to be the only person that stood up for the Samoan Bulldozer and fired back at Shawn.

It has been incidents like this that have completely altered Randy Orton’s reputation backstage. The feeling is that he is now a leader and is one of the few superstars that does not take crap off of Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

Well let's just give Randy the John Wayne push, huh? My God, I hate newz sites.

Monday, January 7, 2008

He's Coming Back Any Minute Now!

Okay Everyone. Let's not all yawn at once.

Vote for Ron Paul or Kane will burn your House Down!!

I think Ron Paul is the Ross Perot of the 2008 election. I don't know, because if your name isn't Barrack Obama I don't care enough to support you, and I won't look into who you are until Barack pisses me off. But I do know a thing or two about wrestling, and Glen Jacobs, better known as Kane is endorsing Ron Paul. I've met Kane, and I've seen him wrestle in person, and I'm damn near scared enough to vote for Ron Paul for the hell of it.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Biggest Disappointment Ever

I've been hearing a lot about this guy Drew McIntyre who is moving from Smackdown to Raw. I don't watch Smackdown regularly so I had never seen him before. But I heard people throwing words like 'European' and 'model' around so I thought well why not, I've never been disappointed by a European Male Model before, so I'll google him.

First Time for Everything I suppose.

Pure Speculation...

The best way to put this is that I didn't read this anywhere. I'm purely speculating and thinking to hard, but at least I admit it instead of posting on it like it's stone cold fact.

Last I knew Vince and Linda had a really nice house in a gated community right outside Stamford, CT. Paul and Steph don't live to far away (I even heard they live in the same gated community), and Shane and Marissa are around fairly frequently even though they live off somewhere else. Seems like it's a great big happy family.

However, the last two times Linda McMahon was scheduled to appear on WWE Programming she didn't show up, and Vince made a snide comment about where she might be, both time claiming she was under the weather.

And now Vince McMahon has bought a 2 million dollar apartment from his friend Donald Trump in Stamford, CT. I'm pretty sure this is less than twenty minutes from where he already lives. He also has a big, big townhouse apartment in Boca Raton, Florida. Vince has been fairly vocal about his extramarital affairs especially lately with the Hornswoggle angle. Hmmm...

Where's Linda? And Why does Vince need an apartment so close to his house? Hmmmm....

Classy, Classy Guy

Yeah, this picture of Triple H is old, but when I imagine Triple H, this is the Triple H I see. So dream with me here. At a house show in White Plains, New York Triple H wanted to pay tribute to the late, great, Arnold Skaaland.

I don't know who Arnold Skaaland is, but he was apparently a promoter in New York. Triple H acknowledged Skaaland's wife Betty by hugging her.

Triple H is a classy guy, and how lucky is Betty? I mean I don't know who this dude was, but if someone said to me, you're going to marry this guy, and he's going to die before you do, but it's okay, because Triple H is going to hug you to help your grieving process.

SIGN ME UP! about your husband though.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Mrs. Triple H thinks We're Stupid

WWE Magazine got together with the WWE Creative Team to give away 2007 awards. The biggest surprise of the year was the arrival of Chris Jericho.

It's a good thing Triple H says "I think these people are smart..." a lot, because Stephanie seriously insults my intelligence. The return of Jericho really was the biggest surprise ever. I mean, I had no idea after the 153rd Save_Us video.

Gotta Love Jericho

Chris Jericho did a radio interview today where he told the hosts that people were finding clues in the save_us.222 videos that he didn't even remember about his career. Wrestling fans are officially obsessed.

From the Mouth of the Artist Formerly Known as Joanie Laurer

Following Britney Spears wild night of kidnapping and hospitalization traveled the streets of LA and asked celebrities if they had any words about Britney. Enter, CHYNA!
Chyna gave a shout out to Brit , another famous female whose recent bloopers have been all over the tabloids. Chyna said, "I love her and she's a superstar and she needs to shine now."

My God. She needs to "shine now". What? From her padded room in the hospital. My God Joanie is such a hot mess I'm forced to love her.

By the way, watch Celebrity Rehab, Thursdays on VH1 at 10 EST.


As If I Needed Another Reason NOT to Watch Raw...

Trashley Massaro is rumored to be returning to WWE's RAW Brand, now that she is done with her involvement with CBS's Survivor. This is probably because she and Matt Hardy have broken up...

I'm thinking Matt should have gotten moved to Raw. I mean, I don't like Matt either, but it saves me from watching Ashley Massaro.

Nope! Never Happened.

In hyping The Royal Rumble WWE has released a list of all of the past rumble winners. They however skipped 2004 choosing not to list Chris Benoit as the winner, acting as though it never happened. Therefore, very obviously erasing it from the mind of wrestling fans everywhere.

Now if only they could do that with Katie Vick, Hornswoggle McMahon, Billy and Chuck, Rico...

WWE, thinking we're all friggin' idiots, one backspace stroke at a time.

This Has-Been is Gonna be On TV

This person is married to some guy in the NFL who is playing in the playoffs, so they're pretty sure she's going to be getting some face time on the TV. In other news... Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care.