Thursday, October 30, 2008

JR is a God, pt. 2

So with tomorrow being Halloween and all, many of the superstars and on-air talent dressed up in costumes for Tuesday's Smackdown taping. Jim Ross was... a sailor.

Let's hope, for all of our sakes, that this isn't his Donald Duck costume.

Natalya + handcuffs = random hotness!

Natalya Neidhart posted up a new blog on WWE Universe, talking about the Diva costume contest/match at Cyber Sunday, and one statement in particular caught my eye...

"Congratulations, Mickie...but in my humble opionion, you deserved to be arrested for your ensemble... and I had just the Swarovski handcuffs to do it!"

Mickie James + Natalya + handcuffs = almost too much for this dirty old man's heart to take! Natalya could grow her daddy's goatee and still be the hottest thing going today.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jim Ross is a God...

There's been a ton of speculation that since Wrestlemania is in San Antonio this year the Showstopper Shawn Michaels could very well be retiring. Shawn Michaels is 43 years old, but in today's day and age you have to ask yourself it that's really all that old for a pro-wrestler. At this level of expectation Triple H will be done in three or four years. And the prospect of a DX free WWE by 2012 does not ammuse me, because face it... 2012 is not that far away.

Granted Shawn has been plagued by far more injuries than "The Game" but the thought of his retirement (though eventually immenent) is enough to make me hang up my own (metophorical) pair of wrasslin' boots. I shudder to think of a John Cena, John Morrison, Batista dominated WWE.

Anyhow, Jim Ross posted on his blog, and I think we can lay the rumors to rest for now. Jim Ross is a God by the way. Here's what he said about...

The possibility of Shawn Michaels retiring soon:
"HBK earns big money, works a schedule that he is ok with and is still the best big match wrestler in the biz. Shawn is at a place as to where if he is unhappy he won't be around. The WWE needs HBK much more than Shawn needs them."

And thank God someone admitted that! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Forget the Bushwhacker, they want... scrap iron?

So, scratch the Bushwhacker thing from last night. ROH has named their new head booker, and it's.... Adam Pearce. The same Adam Pearce who JUST dropped the NWA World Title a few days ago to some dude in a mask named Blue Demon. The same Adam Pearce that's only 30 years old, and an active wrestler in his own right.

Active wrestlers booking the shows? Let's ask Ted Turner how that one worked out for his wrasslin company.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

This Guy... Yes... this one... wants more 'realism'.

Okay, so the same man who invented the Kiss My Ass Club, talked about his raging infidelities in front of his wife on national television, decided he fathered a midget...

The SAME man who decided that HBK should have to TAG TEAM WITH GOD... would like more "realism" in the WWE.

SEScoops reports:
– In recent weeks, Vince McMahon has been talking about having the wrestlers work a more realistic style of wrestling. That’s one of the reasons former WCW wrestler Norman Smiley was hired (as a coach in developmental). Smiley was told he was brought in due to his background in the more realistic Japanese wrestling style. For example, instead of the old-school, pro-wrestling style where a guy gets punched in the face, the guy selling would at least put his hands up in defense of the punch.


The guy selling would at least put his hands up in defense of the punch, but when that same guy has to get down on his knees while I pull my pants down... well his ass better pucker up, because this is totally a fair and legal way to treat your employees! Realism abounds!

Two words for ya: [expletive deleted]!!!!!!

So WWE 24/7 is getting into the original DX era, but something interesting happened on the broadcast this week. During a segment with HBK, Triple H, and Sargent Slaughter, one of the most iconic catch phrases in modern wrestling history was born. Only... it wasn't. Shawn uttered "suck it" and pointed to his crotch, only on the 24/7 broadcast, "suck it" was censored out.

Capital W. Capital T. Capital F.

Good call, Vince. Playing it safe and going for that PG rating is exactly what put butts in seats and made you assloads of money in the 90's.

Ahh, who am I kidding? This was just an excuse to post a hot DX picture for Ashlee and Shev. :)

And They Said it Wouldn't Last...

That guy who only married that girl to get a leg up on the competition and "accidentally" fathered her two children has somehow managed to stay married to her for five years.

Seriously though, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon celebrated their five year wedding anniversary yesterday. It only took about four years for them to grow on me, but ever since they kissed at the Raw 15 Anniversary show I've kind of liked them, and... that my friends is what they call, a tangent.

Kayfabe Blogging is Stupid

Katie Lea was doing some kayfabe blogging on WWE Universe, and she had this to say about Shawn Michaels while discussing the Chris Jericho vs. Batista featuring a special guest referee match. Lea wrote:

"The second choice, the 'Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels, isn't much better... Seriously, do they still call him 'Kid'...? Nevertheless, I will admit that it 'Breaks my Heart' (see how that works..?) that he still needs to be lurking around; and more than anything I'm tired of the moping and the constant boo-boo face... So let me address this little problem here directly: Shawn, please, please, please, for the love of God (no offense intended...) find your bloody smile already!! We know you're miserable. You've been miserable for a while now. It's time to get over it and move on."

I know it's kayfabe and everything, but I don't even know who the F' Katie Lea is so as far as I'm concerned she needs to STFU.

This man will lead ROH to the promised land.

In one of the legitimately biggest shockers of the year, Gabe Sapolsky was future endeavor'd from ROH this weekend. Details are still fuzzy, but early indications are that Luke Williams, better known as one half of the single greatest tag team in the history of ever, The Bushwhackers, is in the lead to be named Gabe's successor.

I've never been the deepest follower of ROH, but would you really entrust your company to a guy who made a name for himself by licking his outback buddy's head? Wait, that sounds like.... uh..... oh no..... The Bushwhackers were gay?!

And my childhood continues to crumble around me. :(

He told you so.