A few short news items from the wonderful, wacky world of TNA Wrestling:
- As seen above, TNA President Dixie Carter posted on Twitter today about the story making the rounds that TNA Impact will move to one hour earlier, for one night only. "To maximize viewership, iMPACT! will air on Spike from 8-10pm ET on 4/5 as to not conflict w/NCAA Men's bball finals on CBS. PLS RT," she tweeted. Sound strategy, perhaps, but shouldn't they be doing this EVERY week so as not to conflict with the juggernaut known as Monday Night Raw? Foolish pride, Dixie...
- "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero did an interview with the Dothan, Alabama newspaper "The Dothan Eagle" (does that not sound like a great gimmick name itself?) today in promotion for the TNA house show there tonight. In it, he continued to play up the "family" environment of TNA vs. the "everybody's only out for themselves" environment of the WWE locker room, and proclaimed that Sting was one of his top 3 people he ever wanted to meet. He says this is undoubtedly Sting's last year wrestling, and he wants to get in the ring with him at least once before Stinger hangs it up. You can read the rest at the Dothan Eagle online.
- The Motor City Machinguns and Generation Me will adorn the cover of the Destination X DVD. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first DVD cover the Guns have taken. And I, for one, say "about damn time!" See the cover here at TNA's Facebook profile.
- ShopTNA.com has released a hideous new Hogan shirt emblazoned with his sunglasses and mustache on the front, and "FU POWER" on the back. Jeff Hardy also has a new shirt that looks like every other shirt he's ever had, as well as a new one for Mr. Anderson with Pro Wrestling Is Real / People Are Fake on the front and back, respectively. In regards to that Anderson shirt... I WANT!
- Mick Foley posted a blog on TNA's website shortly after Impact the other night addressing the punch on Bubba the Hate Sponge, in which he claimed that it wasn't a shoot because of the Kong incident, it was all pre-planned, etc etc. It was quickly taken down, and Mick's profile removed from the site due to his "firing" on-air. Which begs the question.... how the hell do you fire a shareholder?
- From the "any smart fan should know this but the dirt sheets reported it anyway" department, the injury angle they ran on Hernandez on Monday is probably a cover for his short-term departure to Mexico to work with AAA. No word yet on anyone figuring out why Matt Morgan went from face to cocky heel again so quickly with no explanation (SEE?! I can blast TNA too when they do stupid shit!).
- And finally, from the "not ashamed to love Shannon Moore" department, here's Shannon behind the wheel of an original Knight Rider car. Truly, truly awesome moment. Dare I say, the greatest Knight in the history of our sport (Oh God... I've gone to the puns. Time to wrap it up)? Shannon will be wrestling tonight at the aforementioned Dothan house show.
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