Triple H & Randy Orton once again become the only reason I watch Monday Night Raw. Last night WWE managed to take one of the best personalities in Wrestling over the last 15 years, and turn him into their own personal mascot.
Raw - lacking experience, gritty, unrefined in nature. Talk to Merriam-Webster, that's the definition. WWE might as well change their name. Monday Night Childish. Monday Night Watered Down. I wasn't surprised when they bleeped out every time Stone Cold said ass - but I was disappointed.
However, WHERE WAS THE STUNNER?! Stone Cold is the guest host and there is no flippin' Stunner!? Hello? NOBODY got the Stunner? Batista? Vince? Anybody??
And now Pete Rose hosts the last Raw before Wrestlemania. Even that guy took a tombstone.
Overall, Stone Cold's hosting gig was a huge disappointment. And I shudder to think what they're going to do to The Rock. I hope Dwayne Johnson has the cajones to tell them, if he can't go out their and be The Rock - he isn't going to do it all.
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