This is just the opinion of one contributing member of this blog, but I think all in all I'd give Wrestlemania 26 a B+. I'm really only writing this because I got out of bed at 4:30am to watch this thing, because I couldn't sleep. I wanted to watch it before Raw anyway, so why not... here are the matches.
Big Show / Miz Vs R-Truth / John Morrison
This match was pointless. It was short, and no one will remember it. This was no Wrestlemania moment for any of these mean. Except 72,000+ singing "What's up" back to R-Truth.
Cody Rhodes vs Ted Dibiase vs Randy Orton
This one was sadly predictable. The match was slow and boring, until Randy got finished having his butt handed back to him. When he finally did make a comeback, the match definitely picked up. I still think Cody is going to try to side with Randy, and that's why Ted took the pin. Cody is a follower, and I thought it was right for Ted to get the pin, because Ted was the mastermind in the break up of Legacy. The punt and the RKO finish was great acting and psychology on Randy's part. Randy of course did his arms out Legend Killer taunt at the end, but I'm still not sure he's a face...
Money in the bank
This match was pretty uneventful. For the second year in a row, WWE teases a Christian win, only to make it ridiculous. Kofi biffed his one big spot, and Christian didn't get a spot to write home about either. I'm concerned there is now a whole PPV dedicated to this match, especially since this one was no good. And where was Drew McIntyre? Really, he got this mega push and wasn't even involved in the direct outcome of the match. Who gives a rip about Jack Swagger?
Sheamus vs Triple H
I hate Shaemus. So I'm more than okay Triple H won. Did Triple H need the rub, of course not. Should Shaemus have won to solidify him as a worthy contender, yes. Does WWE think he's a worthy contender. No, not with Edge and Batista back. Is Shaemus going to former world champion purgatory? Yes.
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio
This match was good. I'm not sure where they're going with Rey winning, but the performance from both of these guys was really very solid. Look forward to keep following it.
Bret Hart vs Vince Mcmahon
This was Vince just basking in his own glory. He took 20 chair shots, and all the big bumps. I was surprised that Bret looked so swift. It was definitely a nice cap on over a decade of animosity, but Bret is supposed to stick around, so I'm sure we have more of this to look forward. Joy. *eye roll*
Chris Jericho vs. Edge
This match was fantastic. Jericho is amazing. Edge is amazing. This match was just great. The finish was a 10. The after finish with Edge, an 11.5. This is far from over, and I am happy about that!
10 Diva Tag
I get it. I didn't like it, but I get it. Alicia Fox almost falling on her face, thinking she's cute. That was priceless. Made me laugh pretty hard. Vickie doing the... ummm... (Bovine Splash was my first thought, but that's just mean.) I get the homage. Really, I do... and the pointing to heaven, and the Eddie shakes. I get it. He'd be very proud of her. I... liked it for sentimentality. That's all.
John Cena vs. Batista
Cena is champion. I'd like to remind you that this blog is called Cenanuff. But Cena is champion, and I'm OKAY with that. It's not because I hate Batista, because he's growing on me, but I'm actually excited to see his pissed off, no longer champion promos. Let's see how this goes! Also, that was the MOST awesome Attitude Adjustment I've seen in a long time. Very, very impressive.
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels wrestled better than half of the people on this card, including his opponent. He is without a doubt still wrestling as good as the thirty year olds in the company. That was one hell of a match to go out on. I think we'll hear a formal goodbye from him tonight, but that was beyond excellent. I wish he would have won it, but Shawn didn't need to end the streak to have a celebrated career. The streak is about all the Undertaker has left, since he's continually embarrassing himself with botched old man moves, and has been for about three years now.
Wrestlemania overall was good for me. It got me excited about this product again - AND - I'm actually interested in what happens between Batista and Cena - which is tough for me to admit. Let's see where this goes!
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