Thursday, April 1, 2010

Now This is Embarassing

"What we gotta do, brother, is HIRE MORE OLD PEOPLE."

Now, the fact that Monday night's edition of WWE Raw pulled monstrous ratings was of no surprise to anyone, but get this.

TNA's iMPACT show this last Monday not only lost the ratings war to the Monday night Raw airing at the same time, but it also reeled in LESS ratings than the Saturday night 12AM Raw rerun that aired before Wrestlemania.

I'll repeat that, because it bears repeating.

That piss poor final Raw before Wrestlemania, remember that? The RERUN of that craptastic show that aired the following Saturday night at Midnight drew a 0.7 rating, higher than the 0.6 that TNA's Flagship program garnered on its prime-time slot.
That... is just embarassing.

1 comment:

Brian said...

It also bears mentioning that those ratings numbers take into account the actual percentage of total viewership for that particular timeslot, all across the entire cable spectrum. A 0.6 share during prime time on Monday is going to be a whole lot more people than a 0.7 at midnight Saturday night. I'd be more interested in the actual number of viewers rather than the rating number.

This is also why, say, 1.2 million viewers on Thursday drew closer to a 1.0 rating, while the same number of viewers on Monday (when there are typically more people viewing television thanks to Raw, CBS's strong lineup, and Monday Night Football in the fall, etc.) is only getting a 0.7 or 0.8. TNA's total viewership number has stuck right around that 1.1-1.3 million mark, as far as I've seen.