Thursday, April 1, 2010

RIP "Mr. McMahon"

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, which is never ever wrong, the beating that "Mr. McMahon" took at the hands of the Hart family at last weekend's Wrestlemania XXVI was meant to signify the Harts' "ultimate revenge" and the end of the Mr. McMahon character.

The character, which was created in 1997 following the Montreal Screwjob, saw its most prominent role during the Stone Cold days, and experienced a resurgence around the time of the 2006 DX run, with various appearances thrown in here and there for good measure. Now after all these years, since Bret got his comeuppance and finally put a cap on the Screwjob angle for good, Mr. McMahon will be going away. The Newsletter says "McMahon is a firm believer in pushing younger acts and is not blind to the fact that he's in his 60's and the character more than ran its course." Let's just ask Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne how that "pushing the younger acts" thing is working out for them.

So this leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Will we never see Vince McMahon on television again? Will he appear simply as "the Chairman, Vince McMahon?" Did his one-night return to the broadcast table light a fire under him to return there for good (and hopefully boot Michael Cole from the flagship show once and for all)? Will Stephanie be returning to TV? Will Triple H be hanging it up and taking up the "evil boss" mantle? Should we strap in for months and months of ridiculous guest hosts who know nothing about the business but have some movie or book to shill? Is the Observer trying to pull an April Fool's joke on us?

I guess time will only tell.

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