So, some douche on some blog has posted the following story:
A rumor is swirling that World Wrestling Entertainment star Randy Orton attempted suicide within the last year. Very well-placed wrestling sources tell me that the rumor is true. In the wake of the June murder-suicide of Chris Benoit and the scandal involving scads of WWE performers who ordered steroids and human growth hormone from the Internet gray-market dealer Signature Pharmacy, this is serious stuff.It’s already clear that WWE’s response to the Signature revelations — generated by the district attorney in Albany, New York, and reported by Sports Illustrated and others — is a joke. Some vague number of the miscreant wrestlers, not named, were “suspended,” but the suspension appears to have consisted of simply being downgraded for a few weeks in TV storylines.From the same evidence, Randy Orton was not touched at all. That is more than a little strange. Orton’s Signature Pharmacy order marked, at the very least, his second “strike” under WWE’s so-called wellness policy, which would have called for a 60-day (rather than a 30-day) suspension.The suicide whispers mark the problem as more than a game of “gotcha” or even taste (Orton acquired the gimmick “Legend Killer” after WWE blithely turned Eddie Guerrero’s 2005 death into just another “angle”). It’s a matter of life and death.Orton, 27, is a third-generation wrestler. He is engaged to marry Samantha Speno, a part-time gymnastics teacher, this fall. Last year Randy and Samantha moved into a country-club estate in High Ridge, Missouri (suburban St. Louis), complete with a gym, a hot tub, and four decks.
Over to you, WWE.
Irvin Muchnick
So apparantly the Legend Killer Randy Orton attempted to kill a legend that NOBODY has ever killed before...himself. Yes, I am going to trust the word of a man who doesn't even know that Orton began using his "Legend Killer" gimmick two years before the death of Eddie Guerrero? Oh hell yes I am. Not. Some people are just...pathetic. It pretty much looks like this guy is writing a blog aimed at non-wrestling fans, who will believe absolutely anything, and attempting to smear WWE. Yeah, the same WWE that offered to pay for Sherri Martel's funeral AND former WWE Wrestlers' rehabs. Are the storylines always morally acceptable? Probably not. Orton destroying Eddie's car and telling Rey that Eddie was in hell is most definitely in bad taste, but if you're going to try and bash Vince and his company, at least hire a fact checker first! I'm sure you can find a variety of things to write about...things you won't have to make up or be misinformed on.
So about Orton's supposed suicide... is it true? Nobody knows. But he always seemed like a pretty happy guy, with a good career, so I'm not so sure. Chris Benoit proved we can never really make judgements based on what we see of these guys on TV. Nevertheless, whoever wrote this is retarded. If it's false, it's a stupid idiotic rumour to start, and could hurt Orton, his friends, his family, and the WWE. If it's true, nobody has any right to make it public knowledge besides Orton himself, and having it blasted all over the world could hurt Orton, his friends, his family, and the WWE.
Some people are just idiots. The End.
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