It was me who suggested we call this blog Cenanuff. I don't take credit for it as some guy put it on a sign at some pay-per-view long ago, but you know something. Long live that guy. Congratulations for being clever. I haven't only "cenanuff" of Cena, but I've "cenanuff" of wrestling period.
In celebration of my 22nd birthday. I give you, the top 10 reasons why John Cena sucks!! I'll warn you ahead of time, they they're probably not as funny as you would prefer.
#10. He can only win in two ways. If you don't know what these two ways are you haven't been watching wrestling for the last 4 years.
#09. He thinks he's funny, but he isn't. Atleast not as witty as I am, because let's face it... I'm a comedic genius.
#08. None of his fans are over 4 feet tall.
#07. He hardly ever gets hit with a weapon, because he's a major wuss.
#06. He picked right up where Bill Goldberg left off and began carrying the torch for the 5 moves of doom.
#05. He pretty much uses the same insults against everyone in a monthly rotation in hopes you'll forget that he used that "ho" line on Lita three months ago, but he's using it again on Candice right now.
#4. "They've" (whoever the hell "they" are) have named a sexual act after him. The EVIDENCE is HERE!!
#3. He's had the World Title for about 5 years. That may be a slight exaggeration, but seriously it feels like five years.
#2. When he said "Those that hate me, well they can just kiss my ass" 90% of those in the arena had to pucker up.
#1. His catchphrase is you can't see me, which clearly indicates that he is both retarded and prejudice against blind people. I can see you Cena, this blind man to my right... he cannot, and that's just rude.
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