PWT is reporting that Booker T is sitting out in protest because he doesn't like a new addition to the Wellness Program. It didn't say what it was, but it doesn't take a genius to look at this guy and realize that he's a huge pot head. In fact there's probably some line where I can rhyme Booker with Hookah but I'm not clever enough to figure it out right now.
For every time a wrestler tests positive for marijuana usage they will be fined $1,000. The wrestler will not be suspended. I can see how this can be devestating to Booker. $1,000 is a lot of money in the ghetto. I mean...
Wait... this dude is bitching about a $1,000 fine? His peers are getting suspended for 30 to 90 days without pay for steroids, but no one gets suspended for pot?
Isn't pot pretty much always illegal? Isn't Edge supposed to get suspended for steroids he was on when he messed up his neck even though he had a legal perscription?
Booker T smokes pot and has to pay $1,000. Edge takes medically perscribed drugs and loses his paycheck. Stop your whining Baby T. You're pretty much rich now. If you don't like weed enough to pay $1,000 for it then quit smoking it.
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