is reporting some crap, but not naming their source. Go figure. Apparently recent findings in a scan of the late Chris Benoit's brain are suggesting that the wrestler may have had "post concussion syndrome" and "frontal lobe syndrome". Both of which may have caused "diminished capacity" when Benoit commited the "killings". And by "killings" PWT obviously means murders. In fact I'm not even sure "frontal lobe syndrome" is a disease. I've never heard of it until this moment.
Did doctors really need to do a scan of Benoit's brain to discover that he had "diminshed capacity". Oh, yes, obviously the dead kid in the house didn't give them any clue, and the dead wife in the kitchen only further complicated their investigation. I mean it's perfectly clear why the cops assumed that Benoit was playing with a full deck. Father's kill their kids all the time. It's a law of nature. Thank God some doctor decided to do a scan in order to find this missing link in the evolution of mankind.
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