Buff Bagwell was on some sports show with Bryant Gumble last night. It was called "The Life" and examined pro wrestling. Bagwell says he still takes all kinds of pain killers for the pain he suffers from breaking his neck a decade ago. He went on to say that he was in so much pain, but still wrestles on the independent circuit, because he's been in the business since he was a teenager, and he doesn't know how to do anything else. Then he said that wrestling encourages and glorifies a lifestyle that is both unhealthy and dangerous.
Really?! That's true?! Yet you still wrestle?! All in the name of not knowing how to do anything else?
Stop your whining and go to college if you want to learn to do something else. NOBODY makes anyone take those steroids. No one makes you take drugs. No one made you become a wrestler. This washed up whiners with no contracts need to stop crying for attention, and live with the consequences of their actions.
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