WWE has expressed interest in bringing Jericho back for a while; the two parties have communicated regularly over the past several months.
Jericho, who walked away from professional wrestling in 2005, is now reportedly fully willing to return to wrestling. A source close to the wrestler says that Jericho recognizes that his Hollywood aspirations are not going to provide a short-term monetary reward anywhere near that of WWE's offer.
At this point, Jericho's return merely hinges on the two parties reaching a workable arrangement. Once the two sides agree on terms, and it is unknown how long that will take to happen (it could be as short as a few weeks to as long as many months), Jericho is expected to rejoin the WWE roster.
Don't You Wish You Were Me?
For the love of all that's good and holy in this world, please let this happen. The "Chris Jericho coming back to wrestling?" story pops up more often than "Lindsay Lohan Checks Into Rehab," but I still hold out hope.
I also hold out hope that these soap opera writers do his return some justice. News Flash: We don't need 6 weeks of vignettes or promo screen flashes saying "Jeff Hardy Returns Soon" or "Triple H Returns Soon." A little surprise once in a while is kind of a good thing. Y'know, actually booking things in a way that fosters a sense of unpredictability, a feeling that "anything can happen in the WWE" (what ever happened to that, anyway?), so people feel the urge to tune in every week instead of on a prescribed date when they know their favorite wrestler (eat it Vince, I said "wrestler") is coming back? It kinda worked for that little program called WCW Monday Nitro, when they kicked ass 80-some-odd weeks straight in the ratings.
But what do I know? I'm just a fat, lowbrow IWC member hiding behind my computer screen in my parents' basement. Or my bedroom at my Grandma's house. Whatever.
In conclusion... COME BACK JERICHO!
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