Tuesday, January 19, 2010

TNA Fans Are "Cast Members"

(I did have the video embedded here, but I couldn't get it to stop autoplaying. And that's just lame.)

As a hardcore shameless TNA apologist, I've been trying for hours to find a way to justify this. And I just can't. The only thing missing from this speech is a "know your role and shut your mouth."

Look, I get that you're trying to put forth a product and tell a story to the people at home. I get that you need the crowd to react a certain way in order to tell that story. But if the crowd isn't reacting the way you want them to, then maybe this isn't a story you should be telling, huh? Sean Morley (who's been off of TV for how many years now?) going over one of your own home grown cornerstones? Brian Kendrick coming out of nowhere to get an X-Division title shot in his first appearance in the company rather than some of the guys who have busted their tails for years (Shelley, Sabin, Lethal, Kaz) for your company?

I understand you're trying to go in a new direction. But when you're fixing a car, you don't tear out all the parts that are still good and replace them with broken down rusty parts out of a junkyard, you replace the stuff that DOESN'T work. 8-man X-Division spotfests are the kind of thing that sets TNA apart from WWE, and that seems to be your main thrust in this whole thing. So why in the green hell are you tearing down everything that DID set you apart (6-sided ring included, even though I do like the return of the squared circle) and just turning yourself into WWE lite?!

Sigh. I hoped for the best here, but just a few weeks in, and Hogan's already flushing TNA down the crapper. Are we sure he's not Vince's hired gun?

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